Towards more climate-resilient, liveable and productive urban development in Africa.

What is the UMDF?

The Urban and Municipal Development Fund (UMDF) is an African Developement Bank trust fund which provides direct support to cities, and facilitates the Bank’s work in and with cities in order to mobilise funding and technical assistance, develop partnerships and manage “upstream” city engagement, project identification and preparation (pre-investment).

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We currently support more than 30 urban development projects accross Africa

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Taking up the challenge of good management: two days of training for new mayors in Côte d'Ivoire. In Yamoussoukro, on June 3th and 4th, 201 mayors from Côte d'Ivoire gathered to take part in a training course to better understand and manage their municipalities. Organized by the Union des Communes de Côte d'Ivoire (UVICOCI), the event was made possible thanks to financial support from the Urban …
The UMDF expands its Cities Program to six new cities The African Development Bank’s Urban and Municipal Development Fund (UMDF) has expanded its African Cities Program to cover six new cities across the continent. The expansion, approved by the Fund’s 13th Oversight Committee, will help bolster urban development and address critical challenges faced …
EOI - Consultancy LAMATA- Orange Line - Lagos - Nigeria - AfDB The study phase of an important urban train project supported by the UMDF, is about to start! The Lagos Metropolitan Area Transport Authority (LAMATA), with the support from the African Development Bank (AfDB), intends to implement The Orange Line Rail. This project constitutes one of the six rail …
Welcome on board! The UMDF team is expanding The Urban and Municipal Development Fund is glad to announce that a new coordinator has been appointed and that a specialist has joined to consolidate its team and better foster the development of sub-national finance in Africa. New UMDF Coordinator Darline Tognia has been appointed since April …


African Cities Program

By joining the African Cities Program, a city benefits from comprehensive and long-term support by the AfDB Urban and Municipal Development Fund in the areas of planning, governance and capacity …

Project Preparation Window

The support for project preparation is another key service provided by the UMDF, in partnership with local and national governments. It aims to accelerate the identification, preparation and …