Launch of the UMDF Annual Report 2022

Charly Andral

In a year marked by a deepening climate crisis, in the face of which African cities are particularly vulnerable, the African Development Bank’s member countries on the continent have shown an increased concern to adopt measures to strengthen the resilience of urban areas, and make them the drivers of a green growth.

Better urban planning, strengthened governance and increased access to finance are essential levers to realize the potential of African cities, improving the quality of life of their populations and attracting truly transformative investments

The Bank’s Urban and Municipal Development Fund (UMDF) will partner even closer with Regional Member Countries (RMCs), working with central and local government administrations, and their respective municipalities, to promote climate resilient, livable and productive urban development.

This report covers the UMDF’s activities for the year 2022, a year of consolidation of the Fund’s activities and refinement of its strategy, closely aligned with the AfDB’s overall strategy for urban development, developed over the past few months.

Download the UMDF Annual Report 2022 in PDF