Call for Proposals "Investing in Africa’s cities" - feeding the UMDF work program 2024

Charly Andral

The Urban and Municipal Development Fund (UMDF) is pleased to announce the Launch of the Call for Proposal (CfP) for its 2024 Work Program.

Submission Deadline: 15 October 2023.

Download the Project Brief Template.

Recognizing the continuously growing demands from countries to support transformative investments in Africa’s cities, the Bank in 2019 launched the Urban and Municipal Development Fund (UMDF). The UMDF aims to facilitate the Banks’s engagement in and with cities across the continent and aims to respond to the emerging needs of countries and cities to improve urban governance and planning, and mobilize investments for more climate resilient, livable and productive urban development.

Through its Project Preparation Window, the UMDF provides financial or technical assistance to accelerate the maturation of high impact urban infrastructure projects.

Eligible beneficiaries

All 54 Regional Member Countries (RMCs) of the Bank are eligible as beneficiaries for UMDF technical and financial assistance.

The recipients can be national or subnational governments, municipalities, public utilities, service providers, civil society and non-government organisations that have a public mandate.

The organisations must be based and registered in a Member Country of the Bank.

Private sector companies and profit-seeking entities that operate outside of a government mandate are not eligible as beneficiaries of the Fund.

Priority Sectors

Multi-Sector Projects

[whereby at least 2 Bank sectors form part of the proposal]

Infrastructure & mobility
Water, Waste & Sanitation
Environment and Biodiversity
Climate & Green Growth

Selection criteria

All proposed projects should be located in cities and have clear urban development objectives, climate resilience and equity benefits, and performance indicators with expected outcomes and clear targets.

Proposals must be complete and submitted in the relevant Project Brief template including the required annexes.

In considering a request for financing, due consideration should be given to the following:

- Political commitment of the country and city expressed through a support letter,

- Relevance in terms of impact in at least one of the UMDF priority areas.

- Economic, social and environment sustainability

- Improve climate resilience through adaptation to climate change.

- Improve gender equality.

- Potential to transform a status quo, to be replicated and scaled up, leverage finance or lead to a Bank operation or investments by a third party or the city itself.

- Support of measures already being taken by the country with respect to appropriate prioritization of urban development within the National (urban) Development Strategy, Country Diagnostic Notes, Country Strategy Papers or similar.

- Ownership of the beneficiary and commitment through active participation in the activities proposed for technical or financial assistance.


Current UMDF approvals range between 100.000 and 1.2 million USD, with an average size of approximately 500.000 USD. It is advisable to stay in this range. For submissions for projects that are already part of the Bank’s IOP for 2024/2025, please reach out to the UMDF team to discuss the specific envelope.


- Applications must be emailed to: & Micheline Savadogo With copy to: Ane Cuadrado & Yéné Ouattara Coulibaly

- Language: French or English

- Submission deadline: 15th October 2023

- Subject: ´2023 UMDF Call for Proposals’

- Format: Microsoft Word, or Adobe pdf