"Access to Africa Municipal/ Sub- Sovereign Bond Market : A Practical Approach"

CFO Training
CFO Network
Municipal Access to Finance

Report on the Chief Financial Officers Training in Johannesburg - 2023

The African Development Bank (AfDB) and the United Cities and Local Governments of Africa (UCLG Africa), in collaboration with the Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA), launched a Training Course on access of African citesto capital markets. This training course aimed at skilling City Financial Officers (CFOs) on municipal access to capital markets. It took place in Johannesburg, South Africa, from May 29th to June 2nd, 2023.

The training involved all 40 Chief Financial Officers and at least 30 African countries were represented.

The focus of the training was on “Practical experiences of municipal bond issuance in South Africa and United States. Case studies presented included the city of Johannesburg (the largest city in South Africa); the city of Tshwane (the Capital city of South Africa) and the eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality (in Durban).

The key findings of the training are compiled in a report, available here.

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