"Access to Capital Markets for African Cities and Subnational Governments"

cfo training
Municipal Access to Finance
municipal finance

Report on the Chief Financial Officers Training - Abidjan 2022.

The Municipal CFO Special Initiative (SI) aims at supporting cities financial management teams to improve their governance systems and fiscal conditions, with the aim to access Capital Markets, Bank and other IFIs, and local commercial bank finance.

The initiative assists decentralized authorities to enhance their financial autonomy, access to local currency debt, and strengthening municipal bond markets to finance needed investments. It encourages lending to cities and subnational governments, alongside supporting cities on risk mitigation measures.

The African Development Bank and United Cities and Local Governments of Africa (UCLG Africa) supported by GiZ, and the Sahel and West Africa Club of OECD, organized from 19 to 24 September, the training of Chief Financial Officers of some forty African cities and subnational governments on access to capital markets.

This report available in PDF highlights the key learnings of this training.

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