Sustainable Cities through Transport: Improving Financing Mechanisms and Institutional Capacity - Conference Report

conference report

The conference "Sustainable Cities through Transport: Improving Financing Mechanisms and Institutional Capacity", held from 9–10 August 2023 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, brought together approximately 75 experts from eleven African countries.

A significant focus of the conference was the role of planning and implementing adequate infrastructure for safe and inclusive public transport. Agencies have been invited in reflecting about new approaches, including in public-private partnerships and local revenue generation through land value capture and green bonds to buffer existing economic conditions.

During the two-day conference, participants had an opportunity to visit different mobility pro-jects in Addis Ababa, including the Sheger Riverside redevelopment project, a greenway along the rivers, which part of the preparatory studies have beenfinanced by the UMDF.

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