UMDF Annual Report 2022

A publication of the UMDF. This report covers the UMDF’s activities for the year 2022, a year of consolidation of the Fund’s activities and refinement of its strategy, closely aligned with the AfDB’s overall strategy for urban development, developed over the past few months. Published in february …

UMDF Interim Report 2022

A publication of the UMDF. This report covers the UMDF’s activities for the first semester of the year 2022. It highlights how the UMDF is responding to the critical needs of intermediary cities. Published in July 2022.

UMDF Annual Report 2021

A publication of the UMDF. This report covers the UMDF’s activities for the year 2021. It illustrates how UMDF operations have picked up pace in the course of 2021. Published in February 2022.

UMDF brochure

Publication of the UMDF. Synthetic overview of who the Fund is, how it operates and how to get its support.

UMDF Interim Report 2021

A publication of the UMDF. This report covers the UMDF’s activities for the first semester of the year 2021. It gives an overview of the UMDF operations as of 31st August 2021, following the approval of the first annual work program in 2021. Published in September 2022.