Protect and enhancing the Nouakchott coastline

Mauritania is recognized as one of the most vulnerable African countries to the effects of climate change, particularly due to the erosion of its coastline. 40% of Nouakchott is now located in flood-prone areas. The degradation of the natural dune cordon that surrounds the city accentuates the risk …

Call for Proposals "Investing in Africa’s cities" - feeding the UMDF work program 2024

The Urban and Municipal Development Fund (UMDF) is pleased to announce the Launch of the Call for Proposal (CfP) for its 2024 Work Program. Submission Deadline: 15 October 2023. Download the Project Brief Template. Recognizing the continuously growing demands from countries to support …

Eswatini: planning a new Eco-Green City to support the launch of an important agro-industrial project

The Urban and Municipal Development Fund of the African Development Bank is partnering with the Eswatini Water and Agriculture Development Enterprise (ESWADE) to anticipate the urbanization of southern Eswatini, where a new irrigation project is expected to boost agriculture and related economic …

In Windhoek, using solar energy to electrify informal settlements

Approved in June 2023 by the UMDF Oversight Committee, the "Informal Settlement Renewable Electrification and Upgrading Program"  will facilitate electrification of 50,000 households (around 200,000 people) in the capital of Namibia. In Windhoek, around 20% of the population is suffering from lack …

Electric mobility: Angola is aligning with international best practices

The Government is aligning Angola with the best international practices regarding sustainable mobility and planning on reducing gas emissions by 35% by 2030. The Government of Angola is committed to deploy electric mobility and the UMDF is financing the elaboration of an overall framework embracing …